Vision: the Key to Cleanse Club Success

The Compass: Strengthening Our Intention
The power of having a clear vision of where you’d like the cleanse to take you is as important as a compass on a boat. Without a compass you’ll only feel tossed about by waves of cravings with visions of elaborate meals once it’s all over. But your body is your boat: it’s yours for life; and your journey is ongoing. So we use the compass of clear intentions and a powerful vision of where we’re headed to get you to your healthiest self, and strengthen your approach to food using the 21 day purification program. After 21 days you get your sea legs and become the confident captain of your vessel, able to navigate and eat anywhere in the world and feel amazing too.

Self-Commercials: Learning how to sell yourself to YOU
The truth is we all create our lives at a subconscious level every day by using mental images, which translate into conscious thoughts, intentions and then actions. When preparing to go on a trip, we first mentally walk ourselves through the journey to see what we might need to bring with us. This is very helpful for our daily lives, but its importance goes beyond simply packing our bags.
You see our subconscious mind is receptive to symbols and images, which is why advertisers are so keen to flash images and repeat commercials.

In this Visioning exercise, we will write our own commercial advertising to all of our senses how our future self will be. The reality is we do this all the time without thinking about it, and with our untrained use of this ability we often get mixed results. More often than not, the average person holds visions in their mind of what they are afraid will occur, rather than creating how they would like it to go. It is a skill of the wise to create and write these continuous “Self Commercials” from a positive and empowering place…and you are about to practice this skill.

Begin to see with your mind’s eye the results you want for your body, mind and spirit. Write down as you create so you can refer back to it. Imagine yourself in 3 months time doing an activity and feeling physically strong, mentally alert with a calm spirit and an open heart. Your visioning will work best if it is realistic & achievable within the given time frame. Visualize this ‘day in the life of you’ in detail, including all senses; what does your body feel like, smell like, look like? Imagine your organs humming or your ligaments/joints are sighing in relief. What do you want your thoughts to be filled with? On your best day, what emotions are you experiencing? Create this vision as a 3 dimensional reality, write it down, and review this 1-2 x’s per day holding in your heart that it has already occurred.

If you follow these instructions closely, this impression will begin to impact you at a subconscious level and soon your conscious mind will not know the difference between what has already been happening in your life, and what you are writing into creation. This is a self commercial and it will absolutely advertise to your body, mind and spirit the best product money can’t buy, and that is you at your highest and greatest Self.

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